Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What Girls should know about guys

1.) guys might be annoying sometimes but all they want is your attention.
2.) they still look at the beauty inside. Personality is the key!
3.) Guys like girls who are straight to the point. you may hint guys that you want but trust me, their brain is slower than internet explorer! just go straight to the point to avoid any misunderstandings.
4.) Don't ever say "Guys are freaking the same. all they do is break my heart and just leave! what a douche bag. you are a douche bag. I don't even know you but i know that you are just like the douche i dated before" NO! don't ever say that. they are not all douche bags or somethin' like that. Don't let a douche bag represent all of them.
5.) do you know any shy guy? well, honey, these guys are easiest to talk to! i know it sounds crazy but trust me!  if you like just ask them a question, they'll open up like a book! lol.
6.) Before a guy calls you, they plan up everything they are gonna say. they have this kind of a script in their mind but when they call you they just mess up!
7.) okay, here's the obvious, if he teases you; he probably likes you. if he pokes you, just don't get mad at him. he is just trying to have fun.
8.) Us girls, notice this thing about boys a lot; boys just zone out and make their own little world. it's pretty weird, and when you ask them, they don't even know what to answer.
9.) Guys cry too. even though how tough they look they are still humans, and have emotions. sometimes, they just want to break down and cry like girls. you know what? We all have our own problems, and sometimes crying is the best way of letting all the pain out.
10.) Guys have insecurities too. They also get insecure of their friends that are good looking. sometimes, they say, the world would be so much fair, if guys looked all the same.
11.) Not all guys are pervs. sometimes they think the girls judge a guy by their looks. if a guy is good looking, girls would say he is not a perv but if a average guy would just touch them they would go like "ew, don't touch me you perv!" Guys also wants to be treated equally.
12.) If you don't know how to start a conversation with a guy, gossip, guys likes to gossip! but not too much, honey! its bad for your health! its all for good fun! i mean, gossip is such a weird word, but yes, they talk about people!
13.)Guys likes girls that they can laugh with or laugh at. they find funny girls attractive; but don't try to be funny. just be quirky and have fun! be yourself.
14.) Guys loooooooove food! they are also attracted to girls who picks pizza or hamburgers over healthy stuffs, it much cooler.
15.) Guys don't mind if you don't dress up everyday. it's pretty much okay with them to just wear your sweat pants. but dont be also too much dressy because it might end up unwell.
16.) Sometimes, guys feel depressed too. they sometimes feel that they don't belong here because they think that girls can do so much better and the world would be a better place without them; so if you have a guy friend please be kind to him and do your best to be open to him and cheer him up; and maybe answer some of his "things that i dont get about girls" questions!
17.) one thing that guys dont get about girls, is that it takes them forever to make a decision. like for example if a guy asks a girl if black or red, the girls just freaks out and doesnt know what to answer.
18.) Guys don't really like girls that wears too much make-up; sometimes it makes it even worse. honey, your face is not a canvas, you can't just paint on it.
19.) Guys dont like if a girl start to get emotional and talks about her feelings. guys don't really like drama, so if you have problems, count on your girlfriends.
20.) it annoys guys if a girl calls herself "ugly" or "fat" just to get attention, or just in general. remember, no girl is ugly, you are all beautiful in your own ways. accept it! you are not fat and ugly!
21.) its really unfair for guys when girls use the "im a girl" card. for example, when a girl need help, they always ask a guy to help them but if the guy wont help her she'll be all "excuse me? im a girl and you are supposed to help me! what a gentleman!"
22.) guys don't get it when girls switch from one mood to another. its sick! for example:
Girl: wow, what a beautiful day!
Girl: Don't talk to me or I'll kill you!
Girl: oh my gosh. *sobs* I hate the world. I dont wanna live anymore.

Here are also somethings that you shouldn't say to a guy:
1.) "its nothing. I'm fine" JUST NO. can't you see he is trying to make an effort here? he is asking you because he wants to know.
2.) "Does this makes me look fat?" look at number 20
3.) "Here, Just let me do it." read number 16 :)
4.) "Naaaaaw, you are so sweet, how come you dont have a girlfriend?" dude, he might be just waiting for you. DATE HIM.
5.) "Your future girlfriend would be so lucky" he will feel like he has just been punched in him stomach.
6.) "Does this outfit shows too much skin?" uhm. awkward.
7.) "You're like a brother to me" then his feeling for you would be illegal.
8.) "So, what are you thinking?" this is a very dangerous question to ask. just dont!
9.) "uhm, you don't really have to do this" uhm HELLO? he is trying to be kind here.
10.) "My ex used to do that too" you know what i mean. 

i know, i know, i'm a girl too and i might be exaggerating some stuffs, but admit it, guys have a point too. Us girls, are sometimes too dramatic. oops! just try to take this post as a help and work on this things.