Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What Girls should know about guys

1.) guys might be annoying sometimes but all they want is your attention.
2.) they still look at the beauty inside. Personality is the key!
3.) Guys like girls who are straight to the point. you may hint guys that you want but trust me, their brain is slower than internet explorer! just go straight to the point to avoid any misunderstandings.
4.) Don't ever say "Guys are freaking the same. all they do is break my heart and just leave! what a douche bag. you are a douche bag. I don't even know you but i know that you are just like the douche i dated before" NO! don't ever say that. they are not all douche bags or somethin' like that. Don't let a douche bag represent all of them.
5.) do you know any shy guy? well, honey, these guys are easiest to talk to! i know it sounds crazy but trust me!  if you like just ask them a question, they'll open up like a book! lol.
6.) Before a guy calls you, they plan up everything they are gonna say. they have this kind of a script in their mind but when they call you they just mess up!
7.) okay, here's the obvious, if he teases you; he probably likes you. if he pokes you, just don't get mad at him. he is just trying to have fun.
8.) Us girls, notice this thing about boys a lot; boys just zone out and make their own little world. it's pretty weird, and when you ask them, they don't even know what to answer.
9.) Guys cry too. even though how tough they look they are still humans, and have emotions. sometimes, they just want to break down and cry like girls. you know what? We all have our own problems, and sometimes crying is the best way of letting all the pain out.
10.) Guys have insecurities too. They also get insecure of their friends that are good looking. sometimes, they say, the world would be so much fair, if guys looked all the same.
11.) Not all guys are pervs. sometimes they think the girls judge a guy by their looks. if a guy is good looking, girls would say he is not a perv but if a average guy would just touch them they would go like "ew, don't touch me you perv!" Guys also wants to be treated equally.
12.) If you don't know how to start a conversation with a guy, gossip, guys likes to gossip! but not too much, honey! its bad for your health! its all for good fun! i mean, gossip is such a weird word, but yes, they talk about people!
13.)Guys likes girls that they can laugh with or laugh at. they find funny girls attractive; but don't try to be funny. just be quirky and have fun! be yourself.
14.) Guys loooooooove food! they are also attracted to girls who picks pizza or hamburgers over healthy stuffs, it much cooler.
15.) Guys don't mind if you don't dress up everyday. it's pretty much okay with them to just wear your sweat pants. but dont be also too much dressy because it might end up unwell.
16.) Sometimes, guys feel depressed too. they sometimes feel that they don't belong here because they think that girls can do so much better and the world would be a better place without them; so if you have a guy friend please be kind to him and do your best to be open to him and cheer him up; and maybe answer some of his "things that i dont get about girls" questions!
17.) one thing that guys dont get about girls, is that it takes them forever to make a decision. like for example if a guy asks a girl if black or red, the girls just freaks out and doesnt know what to answer.
18.) Guys don't really like girls that wears too much make-up; sometimes it makes it even worse. honey, your face is not a canvas, you can't just paint on it.
19.) Guys dont like if a girl start to get emotional and talks about her feelings. guys don't really like drama, so if you have problems, count on your girlfriends.
20.) it annoys guys if a girl calls herself "ugly" or "fat" just to get attention, or just in general. remember, no girl is ugly, you are all beautiful in your own ways. accept it! you are not fat and ugly!
21.) its really unfair for guys when girls use the "im a girl" card. for example, when a girl need help, they always ask a guy to help them but if the guy wont help her she'll be all "excuse me? im a girl and you are supposed to help me! what a gentleman!"
22.) guys don't get it when girls switch from one mood to another. its sick! for example:
Girl: wow, what a beautiful day!
Girl: Don't talk to me or I'll kill you!
Girl: oh my gosh. *sobs* I hate the world. I dont wanna live anymore.

Here are also somethings that you shouldn't say to a guy:
1.) "its nothing. I'm fine" JUST NO. can't you see he is trying to make an effort here? he is asking you because he wants to know.
2.) "Does this makes me look fat?" look at number 20
3.) "Here, Just let me do it." read number 16 :)
4.) "Naaaaaw, you are so sweet, how come you dont have a girlfriend?" dude, he might be just waiting for you. DATE HIM.
5.) "Your future girlfriend would be so lucky" he will feel like he has just been punched in him stomach.
6.) "Does this outfit shows too much skin?" uhm. awkward.
7.) "You're like a brother to me" then his feeling for you would be illegal.
8.) "So, what are you thinking?" this is a very dangerous question to ask. just dont!
9.) "uhm, you don't really have to do this" uhm HELLO? he is trying to be kind here.
10.) "My ex used to do that too" you know what i mean. 

i know, i know, i'm a girl too and i might be exaggerating some stuffs, but admit it, guys have a point too. Us girls, are sometimes too dramatic. oops! just try to take this post as a help and work on this things.

Monday, October 28, 2013

♡ Way to a better Relationship ♡

" I'm just waiting for someone to come along and make me happy"

You are depressed, lonely and feel something is missing in your life. You feel like your life is a complete mess and come to think that "If I can just find someone to love me no matter what, I'll be happy. but I dont think he exists." WRONG!
when your life is a mess, happy and stable people tend to avoid you. They look for those who are basically happy and stable. While You are miserable and depressed, you'll only attract people who have big problems. Then both of you will have twice the misery. remember, you are who you surround yourself with, if people who you surround yourself yourself with are happy, you too are happy.
The same applies to waiting for lovers. We have to sort ourselves out first. If I say to you, "Love me enough, and I'm sure I'll stop trying to kill myself." that's bound to put a strain on the relationship.
Other people can help to make us happier, but we need to be able to control our life first. When we wait fir people to arrive and fix everything, is like we're waiting for disappointment. WHY? because, if they dont arrive, we'll get more depressed; but, if they do arrive but don't behave as we want to, then we'll still get depressed. then we come at them and say "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO MAKE ME HAPPY!"
in some songs and movies, people say " I was a nobody 'till i met you" but in real life, that is very unhealthy. you have to be a SOMEBODY first. It's no good being somebody's other half when YOU ARE A WHOLE PERSON.

Moral of the story: 
We must remind ourselves that we are a whole person. we must recognize our own value. If we depend on others to do it - and if they dont- we get totally disappointed. If you're lonely and depressed, finding for someone to love you wont help. Find someone whom you can GIVE friendship without expectations. Love yourself to for others to love, respect and take care of yourself enough and people will do the same to you.
if you have any questions, reactions (even violent ones. lol ) or if you just want someone to talk to please feel free to comment on the comment section below. or tweet me at https://twitter.com/HisLoveIsPure and lets be friends! I Love You to the moon and back, even if I dont know you, I still care. and Let me remind you that you may not have everything but the creator of all things loves you endlessly and is so proud of you. You're beautiful, don't ever waste your time because you will never be young as you are now. be a blessing in someone's life. :) xx

Monday, October 14, 2013

Serious Issues: Fake Friends


"You are a little lost, with a million questions running through your head, a fork in the path, which do you take? You stop and turn around, taking a few steps backwards and ask for directions. They're there sitting in front of you, beautiful smile upon their lips, the kind that draws you in, you see kindness in their eyes, and sit down next to them, asking the way. First, you must explain why you are lost, and what led you down the wrong path, the story spilling from your lips like drops of rain, as they sympathetically nod their heads, that smile never leaving their face. They are such a good listener you say to yourself, your trust in them growing as you continue to spout out your life story, until they know every sordid detail, before offering their “sage” advice. 
You listen intently, before parting ways, taking the path they pointed out that led through the trees. Slowly the deeper you crawl, the trees begin to point and snicker, the birds whispering your name…. yet you continue on…. As you move the whispers become fragmented sentences of the story you told that kindly face a mile back, only twisted, warped, and deluded to sound far worse then it was meant to be. 
Stopping dead in your tracks you realize you put your trust in the wrong person, expected them to keep your secrets because you would have done the same for them, just to find you were led blindly, and now live with the dawning realization you were nothing but a joke to them, a story to spread around, another rumor, but little do they know the jokes on them, the moment they lost your trust, but your friendship, and the loss is nothing more than their own.”


We all meet that person that we think they are the one; they are the one that we will spend our lifetime with; share our tears and laughter and give advice to each other, and call them our Best Friends. but do they really treat you, the way you treat them? just let me remind you that, Not everybody is your friend. Just because they hang out with you and laugh with you doesn’t mean they’re there for you. Just because they say they’ve got your back doesn’t mean they won’t eventually stab you in it. People pretend well. Jealousy sometimes doesn’t live far, so know your circle. At the end of the day, real situations can expose fake people, so pay attention.

You might not notice that, as time passes by,the person who you used to trust your secrets with is the one who is spreading it to the whole world, the one who is talking nonsense crap behind your back. but just to tell you darling, it's normal. Don't ever cry or react right away. Take time to think, inhale, exhale. don't you ever think about revenge!Remember, Happiness is the best revenge. Be Happy. Avoid them as possible but you might wanna smile at them just to piss them off. *winks* Sometimes, friends are just like drugs, when you are with them, you get happy and forget some of your problems, but when you start to get really close to them and be with them all the time, everything starts to change, without you noticing it; everything starts to collapse, your attitude, the way you treat your loved ones, especially your parents. Choose the right friends.  Yes, not all drugs are bad, but once you overdose it, that's a another story.  .

I believe you could assume that we all do it. We all talk behind someone’s back at one point or another. Talking behind someone’s back is the start of gossip, rumors, fights, anger, insecurity, self-consciousness, and much more. Sometimes there is a brave soul who stands up for the victim. Defends them for they most likely know the person better. Most of the time, however, we all just sit, listen, and even sometimes throw in little comments ourself. Humanity is cruel. Society is a ruin. We need more brave souls to give justice to those who do not know they are a victim. When engaged in a conversation that turns into gossip behind one’s back, take a stand. Defend that individual. They will forever be grateful.


Bible Verses to give you strength: 

Psalms 41: 4-12

As for me, I said, “O Lordbe gracious to me;heal me, for I have sinned against you!”
My enemies say of me in malice “When will he die, and his name perish?”
And when one comes to see me, he utters empty words,while his heart gathers iniquity;
when he goes out, he tells it abroad. All who hate me whisper together about me;
they imagine the worst for me. They say, “A deadly thing is poured out on him;
he will not rise again from where he lies.”  Even my close friend in whom I trusted,
who ate my bread, has lifted his heel against me.  But you, O Lord, be gracious to me,
and raise me up, that I may repay them! By this I know that you delight in me:
my enemy will not shout in triumph over me. But you have upheld me because of my integrity, and set me in your presence forever.

1 Corinthians 15:33

Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”

Proverbs 13:20

He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm.

Inspiring quotes :

If you have three people in your life that you can trust, you can consider yourself the luckiest person in the whole world.-Selena Gomez 


some songs too: 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

This is your life

At the end of the day, life is about making yourself happy and being able to say that you are proud of who you are. If you have a job that you hate and a boss who’s a douche, then quit. If you can’t quit because you need to pay the bills, that’s cool too but don’t forget to give yourself time to just chill. This is your life, nobody else’s. And I think people forget that. You don't have to love what other people love, we all have different minds and different tastes. Why fit in when you are born to stand out? So, Starting from today, DO what you love, DONT care about what other people think, it's your life, don't waste it. You might look back and regret not doing things that you wanted to do. Remember that you can't be young as you are today. if someone asks you what you are doing and say you're weird answer them these four letters: YOLO and just smile and turn around. Life is not about pleasing people, it's about doing what you LOVE and loving what you do. This is your life, DO what you love, and do it often. What others think of you is not your problem.

if you have any questions, reactions (even violent ones. lol ) please feel free to comment on the comment section below. or tweet me at https://twitter.com/HisLoveIsPure and lets be friends! ILY and Let me remind you that someone from up above loves you and is so proud of you. You're beautiful, don't ever waste your time because you will never be young as you are now. be a blessing in someone's life 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

What if He's taken?

He Walks in, Catches your attention in that very moment. Everything goes in slow motion, while your eyes following his Direction. and you know right there, that you have a crush. You don't know how, but it just happened. it may be the way he walks, the way he talks, the way he smiles, the way he makes you feel inside. You daydream about him all day long. Wishing you could just Copy Paste him in your arms. But what If I told you, He's taken? Yes. Taken. He has a Lucky girl. A person that he looks at the way you look at him. sometimes, you just wanna crush that girl and hunt her in her sleep because You just want him by yourself. you for him and he shall be yours forever and always; but he seems too busy with his girl. but you know what, honey? You can't please everyone. You can't force anyone to like you. you can't force him to love you, unless you try voodoo love or magic. ( i kid. :P ) but kidding aside, You really have to respect him. as the saying goes " If you love someone, you will let them go". it is not yet the end of the world, there are a lot of fishes in the sea. I know, I know, You hear that all the time, I won't deny that, but trust me, its true. You might even find someone SO much better than him. or if you are really meant for each other, it will find a way back, but if you don't, no matter how hard you try, it will always find it's way out.

But for now, don't take him seriously it's normal to have crushes,You’ve got to stop letting yourself get upset about things that won’t matter in two years it's all part of our teenage life. I know it's hard to get over someone. I know, because im going through it right now, and that's what inspired me to do this. You can't just take away your feelings for someone over night.  but time will come, you will wake up and realize that you're totally over him and everything will get better.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Don't you worry, Child.

Everyone faces challenges and difficulties in life. If you are going through a valley today, know that you are not alone. God is with you! He is working behind the scenes on your behalf, and He will carry you through.
Remember, your challenges didn’t come to stay, they came to pass. Don’t get stuck in the valley by allowing your setbacks to become the focus of your life. Jesus endured the pain of the cross for the joy that was set before Him, and when you focus on your victory, you will be able to keep walking through that valley! Shake off bitterness and self-pity today and be determined to press forward. With God on your side, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. As you keep an attitude of faith and expectancy, your challenges will become easier, and you will move forward and live the life of victory the Lord has in store for you.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Life's Biggest Questions

WHO? WHERE? WHEN? WHY? HOW? these are the common questions we ask about our lives. WHO exactly are we? WHERE is life taking us? WHEN will we find our prince charming? ( this one's for the girls *winks*) WHY is life so messed up? HOW to deal with life? and to get the answers of these questions, we run directly to *drum roll* Google. I bet some of you do that. like How to Deal with bullies? When is the perfect time? and we click on WikiHow and follow the steps. I gotcha didn't I?
We tend to run to Google without knowing that there is a manual for our life. This book is full of Do and Don'ts that we should and shouldn't do.
It's like a inventor-invention relationship. For example, a hammer. *story time!*
once upon a time there was a lonely hammer. he was in a box for days already. He kept singing who am I? but one day, someone opened the box! he became so happy! at last! so the person got the hammer and start to use it to break the wall. The hammer was unhappy, he felt that it wasn't it's main purpose in life. The inventor suddenly hopped in the situation and said "NO, thats not how you do it!" he got the hammer and a nail and pounded the nail using the hammer; and the hammer was like " you NAILED it!"
see, No one will know the real purpose of the invention except the inventor itself; it goes the same with our lives. there must be someone who invented us, there must be someone who truly knows our purpose in life; and it's no other than our almighty GOD. he sent the book of life, the HOLY BIBLE. The holy bible is the manual in our life. Everything is stated there, from the beginning of life until what is going to happen at the end.

Moral of the Story: We all have areas where we need to come up higher. Perhaps you’ve struggled with a certain area year after year. Instead of getting down on yourself or trying to find solutions on the internet, maybe it’s time to pray and say, “God, I need Your help. I’m asking for Your strength.”
When you humble yourself and admit that you cannot do it on your own, that’s when God can enter the scene. That’s when He can turn it around. A lot of times we think of dependency in a negative light, but dependency on God is not a weakness; it’s a strength. It enables you to tap into His power. When we yield our weakness, that’s when God shows up the strongest. But when we don’t turn to God, really, that’s a sign of pride. We’re saying, “God, I don’t really need You to help me run my life. I’m doing okay. I’ve got it all figured out.” God will step back and let us do it on our own.
Today, what is holding you back? Surrender it to God. Let Him do His perfect work. Find strength in your dependency on Him.


if you have any questions, reactions (even violent ones. lol ) please feel free to comment on the comment section bellow. or tweet me at https://twitter.com/HisLoveIsPure and lets be friends! ILY and Let me remind you that someone from up above loves you and so proud of you. You're beautiful xx

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Serious Issues: teenage relationships

When you spend many years with someone you start to plan out your lives together. You start to think of what it would be like to have them as a spouse, what kind of jobs you’ll have, what your children will look like, and what decor you will put in your perfect little house on a hill. Most of these things are just dreaming, not too serious. The bad thing about that is that you hold on to these thoughts. You keep that image in your head of your future together. Yes, they are beautiful thoughts that can bring you up when you’re down. But, when that relationship is broken, you lose that imaginary future as well. In your head, you have built this imaginary life together which is now suddenly shattered. No more marriage, kids, and that house on a hill.

This planning of the future thing is all too common now days. Young people are building lives together that sometimes seem obvious that they will end. Some are moving in, others are having children. Without judging these people realize that every teenage couple has come across these situations whether it be actual or just in thought. It has become the “norm”. “Planning for the future” should be called “growing up too fast” in all actuality.

These thoughts are selfish. There is no way around it. You are building up your mate just to let them down when the inevitable end has come. You set so much into this idea of a perfect future. There is no perfect future in reality (on Earth), but struggle and desire and fear. When it is obvious that this future will never happen, never be complete, you feel as if your entire future has been stripped away from you. You feel like you are left with nothing. Nothing but memories. Save your significant other from the pain. Don’t drag them around with thoughts of a happy home and beautiful kids. Selfish. Respect your heart and your love’s heart. Remember how old you are.

“Try” and any other form of the word is brought up a lot in relationships. “I’m trying,” “I tried,” “At least try.” If I can give anyone who is reading this any advice to take with them, it’s don’t TRY. Settling for anything less than “I will” is not sustainable. Don’t start pointing fingers. You know you do it too. You don’t want to tell your partner that you are trying. Trying is something that lacks. You want to sacrifice for your love. You need to sacrifice for your love. Trying gives you a greater chance to fall back into the pit of failing.

“Change” is another word used a lot in relationships. Either you or your partner is wanting to change or wanting the other to change. I’ve learned that change is a two way street. Don’t even think about expecting them to change if you cannot change yourself. Face it, you are not the saint in the relationship. They are suffering or compromising your faults and you are screaming “CHANGE”? Change first, and change will follow.

Keep your comments to yourself. We all have that one friend who you tell all your relationship drama to. The one who every single time you are together, you relinquish all the crap you and your relationship is going through. Most of the time, face it, you aren’t going through that much crap. It is the toxicity of the conversations or the personality of the friends (and yourself) that is negative. It brings up all of the drama inside you. You have become two faced. You sit with your boyfriend or girlfriend and say, “I love you, we can work on this” then the next minute you are with a friend and say, “I hate him/her. I wish I was single.” Then, the moment of break up, be expected to get, “You weren’t happy anyway, so why are you sad?” Don’t be that. It all goes with respecting yourself and your partner. Would you want them to do that to you?

“And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own? How can you think of saying to your friend, ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye.” – Mathew 7:3-5

Having that person who was your high school sweetheart, you experience many firsts in each others lives. The memories you make together are something that can never be erased from your mind. When you think of a memory, good or bad, it instantly reminds you of them. Because they were there through it all with you. The places you went, the friends you had, the memories you made will forever be a reminder of them.

I may sound like I've been through a relationship but I have never been in it before. but I was that kind of friend that people run to for their relationship dramas. I know, it hurts Regret is all I can think about. But, without that regret you won't be stronger. Remember, People come and Go; they are either a blessing or a Lesson.Please, if you are in a relationship or will someday in the future, give them the best you can give. Because If you dont it will leave you with nothing.

I know that we are young. We “have our whole lives ahead of each other,” like people try to tell me lately. You wonder why there are so many lines in songs that say something about a high school sweetheart. It’s because it hurts like you can’t even imagine. When you are young you want nothing more than to grow up. Well I am living proof that it does no good to sit and dream about growing up.

Give your love the best of you. Don’t try, don’t beg for change, don’t create an imaginary future, don’t drag or lead them on, don’t keep your issues inside, don’t make them look like a bad person in front of your friends, don’t be embarrassed by them on how they look or act, don’t two-time them, don’t cheat on them – don’t even think about it, don’t lie and don’t settle for anything less than butterflies in your stomach every time you look at them.

Thanks for listening. Thanks for our memories. 

“Love is not rude, it is not self-seeking; it is not easily angered; it keeps no record of wrongs. “ – 1 Corinthians 13:5

Friday, August 9, 2013

Life Lessons

Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there. They serve some sort of Purpose, teach you a lesson or help you figure out who you are or who you want to be.  You never know who these people may be; your classmate, your neighbor, teacher, long lost friend, lover or even a complete stranger who when you lock eyes with them, you know that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way. And sometimes things happen to you and at that time they seem horrible, painful and unfair but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would never have realized your potential and strength. Everything Happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance, accident or by means of good or bad luck. Illness, Heartbreaks , injury, love, lost moments or true greatness and sheer stupidity all occurs to test the limits of the soul. Without these small tests, life would be dull and pointless. The persons that you will meet will affect you life and successes and downfalls you will experience, they are the ones who create who you are. Even the bad experiences can be learned from, those lessons are the hardest. and probably the most important ones are if someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have taught you about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart. and don't worry about revenge, leave it all to god, and god will punish them at the right time. If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because they are teaching you to love and opening your heart and eyes to things that you have never seen or felt without them. Make everyday count. appreciate every moment for you will never be able to experience them again. Talk to people you have never talked to before and listen, let yourself fall in love and break free. Create your own life and go out and live it, but start it in the name of God and know that he is always there. I wish you all the best in your ups as well as your downs in life. have a fighting spirit and dont hesitate to get back in the struggle! 

Friday, August 2, 2013

words I would say to you

" For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." jeremiah 29:11

No matter what is may be happening today or tomorrow, remember that God has always good things in store for your future! He never said it would be easy, and it will never be easy, but he has already lined up a new beginning, new relationships and new doors opened for you.
Maybe you've experienced some ups and downs, but dont make the mistake of expecting the same for your future. always keep in mind that God always have good plans for your life. our attitude should always be like someone who never worries. God is walking before you, he has set everything, he chose you before the world was even created. why worry when you have GOD?

God doesn’t want you to go through life constantly struggling, always burdened down, or always fighting against something. Yes, we know that trials will come in this earthly life, which makes us depressed. There may be some seasons that are more difficult than others; where you have lost all hope but, we can’t just settle where we are and accept that it’s always going to be this way. Stand up, stay strong and know that the Father will always be there. He wants to lead you to a good land with no shortage and no lack. He wants to cause you to remain in His provision and blessing. The key is that when difficulty comes, instead of focusing on where you are, instead of dwelling on how things won’t work, turn your focus toward Him. Lift up your eyes to heaven. Cast your cares on the Lord. Don’t let the heaviness of the world drag you down. Put your faith and hope in Him knowing that He has good things in store for your future. Keep praying, keep believing and keep trusting because His yoke is easy, His burden is light, and He’s leading you into your promised land!

so, today, be encouraged and never give up on your tomorrows. Accept good plan God has for you; a plan filled with Hope, Purpose, and blessing.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Here's to the kids who are being abused. Here's to the kids who are Depressed. Here's to the kids who over thinks. Here's to the kids who have been put down by their failures, mistakes, and regrets. Here's to us. This is for the Broken girl who has been out into a dark, cold world. You're not the worthless they made you feel, there is a Love they can never steal away, and you don't have to stay the broken girl.Why in the world would you want to break something that someone created? Don’t scar yourself because you feel unloved, or alone because you're never either of these things, He is always there, you just have to step out of the shadows and you are gonna be healed by love.you are going to be touched and be showered with the power of a love you have never experienced before. be amazed by how grace can put you back together again. Don't let regrets, failures and your mistakes ever bring you down, stay strong and call up to the lord, We may be tired, weary and emotionally distraught, but after spending time alone with God, we find that He injects into our bodies energy, power and strength. because God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 

* Note: you know, in most or maybe all of my posts I have always connected my topic to GOD. why? because he is the way, and the truth, and the life. you can post your comments or tweet me about some clarifications, i will be very willing to answer them, meanwhile here are the BEST SONGS about the topic ( these songs are actually my inspiration for this post) *

Friday, July 26, 2013

Healthy Lifestyle for Lazy People

A lot of us experienced being called 'fat' ; and that's what makes us starve ourselves just not to be 'fat'. but starving is not the answer. there is this process called Healthy Diet and Exercise. see the word healthy there? Me, Myself was very conscious of what I eat and end up sleeping with an empty stomach, and the next morning when I wake up, I eat a lot. which makes my 'starving' useless. but now, I'm trying to live a healthy lifestyle, I eat Healthy, balance my meal and workout. Here's to the kids with lazy butts!

  • First step is find a FITSPIRATION. Fitspirtion is someone who inspires you to become Fit and Healthy; they are also the ones who push to work harder and stop being lazy. My Personal Fitspiration is Ariana Grande. She is my Fitspiration because when she started on her show Victorious she was a little chubby but she started to live a healthy lifestyle and exercise a little more.

  • Pick a inspired Workout, it depends on you which part of the body  do you want, but its always better if it's for the whole body. this is my personal Pick.

  • If you got a smartphone then congratulations! you can download Nike Training Club. This app is my all time favorite! it has four categories: Get Lean, Get Toned, Get Strong and Get Focused. For me, Get Focused is the best because there is a certain workout for certain part of the body. and it is only for 15 minutes!

  • Now Turn the Music on and get started!
* Tips: it's better to do the Inspired workout before doing the NTC *

Now this is for the kids who want to have a healthy Diet:

This is Ariana's way which she has posted on Her Tumblr about Nourishing body and Soul: (it is pretty hard to read it on tumblr so I just copy pasted it) 

Here’s a really long blog about a bunch of things. My mind kinda wandered while I was writing it but I feel like the points in here are all kind of important so I’m sorry this is kinda disorganized and written oddly. 
"no matter how little calories i eat, i still dont lose weight "
I saw somebody say this on Tumblr and was inspired to share what I do for diet and exercise with you guys. I would love to influence my fans or anybody who is reading this to TAKE CARE of their bodies and stay fit the healthiest, most nourishing way possible. 
This past year I lost 11 pounds thanks to my friend Isaac (@Isaacboots on twitter). He taught me all about nutrition and weight loss and how to keep my body fit and healthy! Some of the things he was telling me made absolutely no sense to me at first but I just went along with it and I’m really happy with the results! I’m definitely NOT saying I’ve got the best body in the world and I’m certainly not a supermodel or anything remotely close!! But I feel healthy and good, inside and out. I’m one hundred percent comfortable in my skin and I think that’s something to celebrate. I want all of you reading this to be able to feel that way as well. I asked Isaac if I could pass on some of the knowledge that he taught me to you guys and he said yes, so I’m grateful that I get to share this with you all. :)
Before I talk about food and exercise, I want to explain why I chose to write this. I’m fairly new to Tumblr so I’m not really used to it yet but I always see these posts about girls being so depressed about their bodies and about their weight and about how their starving themselves and it just makes me so sad. I genuinely care about you guys and I don’t want to see any of you young girls out there beating yourselves up or feeling anything but beautiful!! So as somebody who used to be very hard on themselves and beat herself up all the time I want to help as much as I can. 
First thing I learned is, being skinny isn’t the most important thing in the world. Being happy is. Happiness comes from self love and learning to accept yourself no matter what. No matter how your body looks at the moment. Whether you’re wearing make up or not, whether you’re bloated or not. Whether your friend posted a god awful photo of you or not. None of that superficial bullshit matters. I’m telling you from experience the more you learn to love yourself the more beautiful you will look on the outside. I had this realization a little while ago when I went to work with zero make up on for rehearsal. At first I felt so insecure and scared of what people would think but I didn’t have time to do it so I just walked in and did it. I honestly felt so free. :) Since then I haven’t worn make up once unless I was filming or performing. Even my boyfriend prefers it now. My point is… We all have things we are insecure about. It’s NORMAL… but in the big picture those little quirks and things are what make you, you. If we wait until we become perfect before we love ourselves, we will waste our whole lives. You are already perfect right here and right now. 
I know what you’re going to say. "I can’t love myself, I hate myself, I hate my body" so on… I’m a 19 year old girl, I’m my worst critic I know. But next time before you beat yourself up or hate on yourself, remember that you are lucky enough to be living on this beautiful planet. Be grateful to be alive and healthy and young and able to reblog lol. 
Now with all that being said I’m now going to share with you all the knowledge I learned from Isaac because as much as your exterior isn’t what truly matters in life… Feeling good, proud, happy and confident about yourself and your body DOES matter. :) 
So what I learned from Isaac is… Eating fewer calories and counting calories has NOTHING to do with being your thinnest or losing weight. It’s WHAT you put into your body. I’m currently consuming more calories than I ever had before and I’m thinner than I’ve ever been. I’m never hungry. My belly is happy and satiated all day long. 
The main thing I stay away from is starchy carbs (no rice, potato, pasta, bread, cereal, etc.) and sweets (with a cheat day once a month because it’s good for your soul :D ). However it’s important to have some carbs (depending what they are) because they’re a great source of energy and certain carbs eliminate bloating. Like oatmeal. I have organic oatmeal with flax and cinnamon every morning to get my body going and to have some energy for the day. I usually eat it with 2 hard boiled eggs or a handful of almonds for protein. I generally have really long work days every day so throughout the day I keep myself energized and my belly full with fruits and veggies with almond butter or nuts, green tea and healthy bars like Think Thins, Live Raw bars or Pure bars. Yes these bars have more calories than a 90 calorie Special K bar but here’s why they’re the smarter choice… The ingredients in a Special K bar aren’t natural and are harder for your body to break down. If you eat snacks that are more natural (Think Thins, Live Raw bars or Pure bars, fruits, veggies, nuts etc) you’ll consume way more calories but your body will be able to process and USE the ingredients for nourishment instead of storing them as fat. For lunch I always have some lean protein with a fruit or veggie like salmon and kale or chicken with hummus and some berries. For dinner I have whichever of the two I didn’t eat for lunch. I usually alternate! I try to have my last meal of the day before 7:30. If I get hungry before bed I will never let myself go to sleep hungry. I’ll just have some fruit or nuts. A glass of dandelion tea before bed is also great for you. A lot of people also say that fruit isn’t good for you because it has a lot of sugar and that avocado or hummus or cashews have too much fat. This is true… fruit has some sugar and some carbs. Nuts and avocado and hummus DO have a lot of fat but they aren’t the kinds of fats that will make you fat. They’re healthy fats. They will nourish your body. The sugar in fruit is natural sugar and it’s fine and good and delicious. Of course moderation is good when it comes to natural fats and sugar but I’m just telling you guys about what’s been working for me.
      The greatest thing about this way of eating is that you get to eat every 2-4 hours. The reason why it works is because it keeps your body burning all day long. Eating more actually makes your metabolism work faster and harder. So you’ll be eating more than ever but you’ll be eating the right things and when you’re eating the right things and exercising, your body will be healthy and in great shape!
I try to exercise daily to get my heart rate up and keep my body going. Isaac teaches a class called Fat Assassins (lol I love the title) and it’s literally the hardest, most amazing class in the whole world. I try to do it every day. He’s releasing a DVD of the class soon so I will let you know when it’s out! Feel amazing whenever I do it. Whether it’s dancing, yoga, swimming, hiking, jumping jacks, plans, ab and leg work outs, running, cheesy exercise videos.. whatever you want to do it’s just important to have that time to work out as often as possible. 
So I hope this has been helpful to you guys and that you’ve enjoyed reading it. The most important thing of all is to keep yourself healthy and to be happy and to love yourself. I don’t want to see y’all hating on yourselves anymore.  Nourish your body and nourish your soul. Be happy in your beautiful, unique skin and take care of yourselves. All my love! 

So, that was it! that was a long post featuring ariana grande (@arianagrande). I hope we helped you! Please let me know what you think about my blog on twitter! Much love!