- Dont do things because you think it's cool and everybody else is doing it. Do things because theyre good.
- You shouldnt be bothered by the opinions people say about you, as long as that person is not important to you, their opinion is irrelevant.
- Ask opinions from your trusted friend instead, someone who is straightforward and doesnt sugarcoat the truth.
- You are firiends with your classmates because you see each other 5 times a week. dont be too attached to them.
- Choose your friends wisely. someone you can have real talk with; not to smoke and gossip with.
- There will come a day where youll like someone, but dont label it as love yet.
- You like someone because theyre cute, good at football or have beautiful eyes? thats infatuation my dear, it aint love.
- You still love someone even after breaking your heart? yes, that might be love, but thats also foolishness. NEVER GO BACK TO WHAT BROKE YOU. YOU WILL NEVER FIND LOVE OR HAPPINESS THERE.
- Dont let your feelings control your mind. Give your mind the power to control your feelings.
- If you are having a bad day, give your mind the power to control your feelings. act happy and your feelings will follow. you will be as happy as you decide to be.
- But that doesnt mean you should let the sadness eat you, talk to a friend. my point here is, your bad mood will affect the people around you.
- some things are better left unsaid.
- ACT LIKE YOUR AGE. if youre 15, dont act 18 please. its really annoying.
- Always and always be nice to people, even if you dont like them, you want to be remembered as ' the kind one with a beautiful soul' not as the ' selfish one'
- There will come a day that you will be obsessed with someone so much that you forget you have a mom.
- Theres a possibility that your crush will have a crush on your bestfriend, but dont let it ruin your friendship. bros before hoes.
- NEVER SKIP BREAKFAST. dont starve yourself because youre too afraid of getting late.
- if you know that you are right, stand up for what you believe in even if that means youre gonna argue with the teacher, but that doesnt mean you have to be disrespectful.
- set goals for each day and accomplish them, try to be nicer than you were yesterday.
- if you have math problems just go to mathway.com . youre welcome ;)
if you want more advices, let me know x
if you have any questions, reactions (even violent ones. lol ) or if you just want someone to talk to please feel free to comment on the comment section below. I Love You to the moon and back, even if I dont know you, I still care. Let me remind you that you may not have everything but the creator of all things loves you endlessly and is so proud of you. You're rad, don't ever waste your time because you will never be young as you are now. be a blessing in someone's life. :) xx