Monday, May 11, 2015

20 Advices before you enter High school


  1. Dont do things because you think it's cool and everybody else is doing it. Do things because theyre good.
  2. You shouldnt be bothered by the opinions people say about you, as long as that person is not important to you, their opinion is irrelevant.
  3. Ask opinions from your trusted friend instead, someone who is straightforward and doesnt sugarcoat the truth.
  4. You are firiends with your classmates because you see each other 5 times a week. dont be too attached to them.
  5. Choose your friends wisely. someone you can have real talk with; not to smoke and gossip with. 
  6. There will come a day where youll like someone, but dont label it as love yet.
  7. You like someone because theyre cute, good at football or have beautiful eyes? thats infatuation my dear, it aint love.
  8. You still love someone even after breaking your heart? yes, that might be love, but thats also foolishness. NEVER GO BACK TO WHAT BROKE YOU. YOU WILL NEVER FIND LOVE OR HAPPINESS THERE.
  9. Dont let your feelings control your mind. Give your mind the power to control your feelings.
  10. If you are having a bad day, give your mind the power to control your feelings. act happy and your feelings will follow. you will be as happy as you decide to be.
  11. But that doesnt mean you should let the sadness eat you, talk to a friend. my point here is, your bad mood will affect the people around you.
  12. some things are better left unsaid. 
  13. ACT LIKE YOUR AGE. if youre 15, dont act 18 please. its really annoying.
  14. Always and always be nice to people, even if you dont like them, you want to be remembered as ' the kind one with a beautiful soul' not as the ' selfish one' 
  15. There will come a day that you will be obsessed with someone so much that you forget you have a mom. 
  16. Theres a possibility that your crush will have a crush on your bestfriend, but dont let it ruin your friendshipbros before hoes.
  17. NEVER SKIP BREAKFAST. dont starve yourself because youre too afraid of getting late.
  18. if you know that you are right, stand up for what you believe in even if that means youre gonna argue with the teacher, but that doesnt mean you have to be disrespectful. 
  19. set goals for each day and accomplish them, try to be nicer than you were yesterday.
  20. if you have math problems just go to . youre welcome ;) 
if you want more advices, let me know x
if you have any questions, reactions (even violent ones. lol ) or if you just want someone to talk to please feel free to comment on the comment section below. I Love You to the moon and back, even if I dont know you, I still care.  Let me remind you that you may not have everything but the creator of all things loves you endlessly and is so proud of you. You're rad, don't ever waste your time because you will never be young as you are now. be a blessing in someone's life. :) xx

Saturday, July 5, 2014

How to be a Better Person

There are always times that you feel like everything is a mess, you get grumpy and feel like there is no way you could get out of the trap. you start to get moody, and your mood just changes every moment you remember something. And now, to skip all the chit chat and introduction, here are some tips on how to be a better person! because you are already good enough!

  • BE ORGANIZED - Write down your Agenda and the things you have to do for the week; always have extra space in your bag, or have secret pockets. ( trust me, you wouldn't want to freak out and look like a hot mess because you cant find your keys in your bag) 
  • BE POSITIVE ABOUT EVERYTHING - Sleep with the thought that you're not going to repeat the same mistakes and wake up with the thought that you are going to be a better person than you were yesterday.
  • LIVE HEALTHIER - workout, eat vegetables and less white rice, and drink 2 liters of water everyday. 
  • BE A HERO - you dont need to have superpowers to be a superhero. you just need a helping hand, always observe people and run to them if they need help. do something that will make people smile and thank you. this will make you feel better and a little more proud. 
  • GET RID OF ALL THE TOXIC PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE - you dont deserve each other. how can you be a better person, when someone is dragging you down? you dont have to be scared or afraid; tell them that you need space - with respect; if they'll truly your "friends" they wouldnt get mad and theyll understand. 
  • HAVE SOME TIME ALONE - have a day where you just relax and forget about your problems. 
  • BE INSPIRED - print out some inspiring and motivating pictures and post it on your wall. 
  • BE HAPPY - just take a moment to look around and notice all the beautiful things around you. Be happy and contented with what you have. 
if you have any questions, reactions (even violent ones. lol ) or if you just want someone to talk to please feel free to comment on the comment section below. or  tweet me  and lets be friends! I Love You to the moon and back, even if I dont know you, I still care. and Let me remind you that you may not have everything but the creator of all things loves you endlessly and is so proud of you. You're beautiful, don't ever waste your time because you will never be young as you are now. be a blessing in someone's life. :) xx

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

How to stay healthy during summer

1.)  Since its summer and you cant help it but sweat, you have to stay hydrated, and to stay hydrated, you gotta drink lots and lots of water, but not too much because too much can actually cause death! for teenagers 13+ should at least drink 8 glasses of water everyday. tip: add slices of watermelon into your water for double power!

2.)  It's alright to get some sunlight and have some tanning session with your friends, but you still need to protect your skin from the heat of the sun, so put some sunscreen on your skin, honey, it'll just take 3 minutes. 

 3.)Abs and firm thighs don't grow on trees, YOU SHOULD WORK FOR THEM. you can't just sit down and watch TV or be on your phone all day! If youre too tired for the same old squats and crunches, try something different, like, use your bike if youre going to go somewhere around the corner, use the stairs as much as possible, be the one that will push the cart in the grocery store, help your mom with house hold chores. just stay active!

 4.)  Drink green tea every morning, you will sure lose some weight for the day

5.) Dont forget about your diet! if you want me to go deeper and post about a healthy diet, let me know. Eat Healthy and Stay Healthy! Maybe, have a cheat day and eat whatever you want on that day!

6.)  Have Fun with your friends and family, forget all the negativity, laugh ( laughing also helps you lose calories!) and cherish every moment because in less than three months, you will go back to school and regret all the things you havent done during summer.


 if you have any questions, reactions (even violent ones. lol ) or if you just want someone to talk to please feel free to comment on the comment section below. or tweet me at and lets be friends! I Love You to the moon and back, even if I dont know you, I still care. and Let me remind you that you may not have everything but the creator of all things loves you endlessly and is so proud of you. You're beautiful, don't ever waste your time because you will never be young as you are now. be a blessing in someone's life. :) xx

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

♡ Things to do when you are Anxious ♡

hey guys! here is a quick post about forgetting the world and doing what you wanna do xx

  • Text Someone
  • Listen to upbeat music. you can find some on 8tracks! its a free app and really user- friendly, plus, you get to discover some rad music!
  • Draw anything you want!
  • Write your feelings out
  • Read a good book and get lost in the world of fiction. best feeling ever
  • Go on the internet. I don't recommend tumblr, because mostly, it gives negative vibes. I recommend you watching funny videos on youtube!.
 here are some good channels: 
  • Go to sleep.
  • Watch Movies.  I recommend Action-Comedy movies or maybe horror/thriller. something like 21 jump street or cabin in the woods.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Print some Pictures with you and your loved ones and post it on your wall.and you will realize that you are loved.
  • Talk to friends/ Family or even internet friends!
  • Watch old videos of you!
  • Stay warm in your Bed.
  • Message me!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Love at First Sight

There comes a time that someone walks into the room and makes you feel something. something strange. you tell your friends about it and they tell you that " you must be in love". but, how can you be in love with someone that you have  just met?

Crushing on someone means only that you feel attracted to that person because of his/her physical attributes…or skills. It is definitely more shallow than falling in love with a person. People say that personality is more important than your physical looks. Sure! In the long run… But what do people see first? Physical Appearance. You don’t go fantasizing about your crush, telling yourself and your friends, “I love his personality. He’s so nice. I want him to meet my parents.” NOPE. You can say that when you’re close to falling in love with him. But you could only ever say, “He’s so cute.. His voice can grow flowers and his smile could cure cancer" (REALLY LAME. I know. but admit it we all do it. lol)”

okay lets just take this Imagine:
Adam Levine/ Megan Fox, sexiest people alive, really talented and humorous, didnt look like the hotties we all know; let's just say, they swapped faces with the weird school nerd that no one talks to in your school, would you still be in love with them aka the most disgusting person you have ever known but yet really talented and humorous ? Nope, i don't think so.

Sometimes, we use the word " love" too much that it starts to lose its meaning and starts becoming something common and nothing special. next time, if you think your in love with someone you have just met, think twice and figure out if its really love? OR NAH? maybe, its just another silly crush.

Friday, May 9, 2014

How to deal with Broken Relationships

They might still think about you, but act like nothing tragic happened before, they never tell their friends about it and that simply shows that there is a concern ; that they didn't completely unfriend you but they just stopped being that kind of person whom you were comfortable with because you've stopped being that kind of person to them too. 

They might still think about you; about how a stranger suddenly meant the world to them, and they might think of how their world started falling apart. they might still want to fix things up, but that doesn't really matter, what matters is how they are doing about it and if they are not doing anything and run away from it, you don't deserve each other. You deserve someone who shows that they need you in their life, who would do anything to show you they appreciate you; you don't deserve excuses, broken promises and unsaid explanations.

Just because something is over, doesn't mean it wasn't incredibly beautiful, not all stories have a happy ending, and you have to deal with that. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Life Without Limits

I wish I was good enough. I wish I was like Her. I'm Worthless. I hate everyone. I hate life. there are always times that you wish you had this and didnt have that; you start focusing on those things until it will take over your mind and you start forgetting the things you have. wishing cant help, you can never get anything from wishing you were someone else, because you will never will be someone else, You're the only one you could be. Nothing is holding you back from being a happier person more than your insecurities. always be thankful for the things you have, be thankful that you've got a complete body, there are some people out there that don't have arms and legs while you are taking your body for granted and harming it. STOP. just please stop.You'll never find a rainbow when you're looking down. chin up, look at the heavens and thank the God above.

if you watch adventure time, you would recognize Ice king. notice how he forces PB to love him? notice how he seeks love? notice how he sees himself as an ugly king? he thinks of himself as a loser and never believes in himself.  If you love yourself, you will be a happy person. if you believe in yourself, you won't be conscious of your body. if you are confident about yourself, the words that are thrown at you won't affect you anymore. A person with good thoughts can never be ugly. your thighs touch, your skin aint fair, youve got double chin, it won't matter because when you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely. All you could do in life is be who you are. some people will love you for you. Most people will love you for what you can do for them, and some won't like you at all. that's life, you can't please everyone. you never will.

Never sum up your life and never fear your future. never fear life. believe that life is worth living; and your belief will help create the fact. enjoy every sandwich. dance to your favorite  music. laugh at the corniest jokes. read good books. drink more starbucks. receive more hugs. give more hugs. run from barking dogs while barking back at them. meow at cats. smile at your loved one. smile at strangers like a creeper. EAT PIZZA. there are tons of things in life to be happy about in life, why let words ruin it? Don't say sorry to people because you think you ain't good enough but say sorry to yourself because you were wrong for thinking that way.  shall we make a new rule of life from now on: Always try to be a little kinder than is necessary to yourself and others?

please watch this video. it will make your day a little better. xx