Tuesday, May 27, 2014

♡ Things to do when you are Anxious ♡

hey guys! here is a quick post about forgetting the world and doing what you wanna do xx

  • Text Someone
  • Listen to upbeat music. you can find some on 8tracks! its a free app and really user- friendly, plus, you get to discover some rad music!
  • Draw anything you want!
  • Write your feelings out
  • Read a good book and get lost in the world of fiction. best feeling ever
  • Go on the internet. I don't recommend tumblr, because mostly, it gives negative vibes. I recommend you watching funny videos on youtube!.
 here are some good channels: 
  • Go to sleep.
  • Watch Movies.  I recommend Action-Comedy movies or maybe horror/thriller. something like 21 jump street or cabin in the woods.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Print some Pictures with you and your loved ones and post it on your wall.and you will realize that you are loved.
  • Talk to friends/ Family or even internet friends!
  • Watch old videos of you!
  • Stay warm in your Bed.
  • Message me!

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