Saturday, June 29, 2013

How To Take Care of yourself when Depressed

  • Aim for eight hours of sleep
 Depression typically involves sleep problems. Whether you’re sleeping too little or too much, your mood suffers. Get on a better sleep schedule by learning healthy sleep habits.

  • Expose yourself to a little sunlight everyday
 Lack of sunlight can make depression worse. Make sure you’re getting enough. Take a short walk outdoors, have your coffee outside,or sit out in the garden. Aim for at least 15 minutes of sunlight a day to boost your mood.
  • Keep stress in check
Not only does stress worsen depression, but it can also trigger it.  Figure out all the things in your life that stress you out. 

  • Practice relaxation techniques

 A daily relaxation practice can help relieve symptoms of depression, reduce stress, and boost feelings of joy and well-being. 

  • Care for a pet
  Pets can bring joy and companionship into your life and help you feel less isolated. Caring for a pet can also get you outside of yourself and give you a sense of being needed—both powerful antidotes to depression.

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