Friday, July 12, 2013

♡ Habits of Happiness worth cultivating ♡

  • Pay Attention. studies show that mindful people have stronger immune systems and are less likely to be hostile or anxious. 
  • Keep Friends Close. social connections are key to happiness. make time for those closest to you.
  • Give Thanks. regular expressions of gratitude promotes optimism, better health, and greater satisfaction in life.
  • Forgive. when we forgive those who have wronged us, we feel better about ourselves, experience more positive emotion, and feel closer to others.
  • Practice Kindness.  being kind to others make us feel good.  remember, Treat others the way you want to be treated. 
  • Get Moving. Regular exercise increases self-esteem, reduces stress, and may well be the most effective instant happiness booster of all. 

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