Friday, July 26, 2013

How to identify a true friend | So Called Friends

in my previous post i was talking about the Difference of True Friends and Best Friends. sometimes you feel like everyone you loved , left you. I’m not talking about people who have passed either, I’m talking about people who used to be in your life and have just made a choice to leave you. Even worse, the ones who pretend they still care but don’t make any kind effort and friendships have become notoriously one sided. It seems everyone has left you. People you never dreamed would leave or change. sometimes, you are so attached to someone but little did you know, they don't even treat you like someone.So-called friends are hard to spot because they can be nice as pie to you lots of the time, and when they aren’t, they make excuses.  let me differentiate the So called friends (lets name them S.O. F's ) and true friends to open up your eyes.

  • You tell your S.O.F all of your secrets because you trust them but you feel that they always hide something from you. but for true friends, you can always have real talk with them and they will never going to spill or gossip about it.
  • When you're honest about your S.O.F's behaviour they refuse to talk to you. 
  • S.O.F's don’t really treat you as your friends but they don’t want you to be friends with anyone else.
  • S.O.F's talk about places/ parties they are going to in front of me and DO NOT offer an invitation. but true friends wont go, unless, you'll go.
  • S.O.F's go to you when they need something or fought over something and to gossip. true friends, don't exaggerate things and won't let you in a fight.
  • S.O.F's wont tell you if there is something stuck in your teeth, but true friends immediately tells you if there is, or you can even ask them!
  • S.O.F's act superior in everything. 
  • S.O.F's take advantage of your kindness and makes you their pet. 
  • S.O.F's might tease you and then make out it’s your problem if you get upset because you haven’t got a sense of humour. 
  • S.O.F's always controls you, the way you speak, the way you act and say its for your own good.
  • S.O.F's make fun of you in public, but true friends protect you and makes you feel safe and supported.
well, these were just few examples of how different True friends and S.O.F's are.  Now here are some tips for some deep S.O.F's issues:

  • if your S.O.F is hurting you, stand up for yourself, don't let them take advantage of you!
  • Talk to your S.O.F privately. i know it's a hard thing to do, and you really need the guts to do it, but you will thank yourself after. and remember to keep it cool.
  • Make yourself heard. as i said, don't let your S.O.F take advantage of you. you also need and worth the respect.
  • End the friendship if you must. 
  • remember, true friends will never let you down.
  • if they care about you, they will understand you.

i hope this tips helped and are useful. always remind yourself that you are worthy of all the love and all the respect in the world.

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