Sunday, July 7, 2013

♡ Words of Wisdom about Love ♡

You can love someone so much. Give them your all. Everything you can 

possibly give to see them happy and smile without losing yourself. You can love 

someone so much, but still loving yourself enough to know when to leave. It’s 

okay to embrace your feelings of love, and sadness, that’s what makes us 

human. Sometimes when you’ve loved someone so much and they don’t see it, 

the best way to show them is to leave. That’s okay.

It doesn’t make sense to stay with someone if all of you isn’t there. If you two 

aren’t vibrating on the same frequency, somethings off, there’s no chemistry 

then leave. You can’t force something to be there that isn’t. You can’t make 

someone understand. Maybe, they’re just a few steps behind you and got some 

catching up to do. If that person doesn’t love you enough to make minor 

changes, or to do whatever it takes to put a smile on your face. Find someone 

that does. Find that person that is on your level. If you feel as though you can’t 

be yourself, or that you are locked in a cage..set your spirit free. Never ever 

settle. Know your worth. 

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